Indonesia Public Holidays
Discover upcoming public holiday dates for Indonesia and start planning to make the most of your time off.
Indonesian public holidays are set each year by Joint Ministerial Decree. Each year, the holiday dates are determined by various ministers, departments and decrees.
The concept of ‘cuti bersama’ (joint holiday) has been introduced by the Indonesian Government with the aim to promote domestic tourism. Joint holidays are provided to prolong holiday weekends (usually given on a Monday or Friday). Thus, if a public holiday falls on a Thursday, the ‘joint holiday’ program encourages your employer to give you the Friday off so that you have a four-day weekend.
According to Article 85 of ‘Act 13 of 2003 Indonesian Manpower/Labour Law’, workers are not obliged to work on public holidays. However, if work is required to be done on public holidays, employers are subject to pay overtime payments to the workers.