Chinese New Year 2026 and 2027
Chinese New Year is a public holiday that allows Chinese people to reunite with their families and celebrate the arrival of the new lunar year. Chinese New Year is always celebrated on the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar. According to the Gregorian calendar, this holiday always occurs in January or February.
Year | Date | Day | Holiday |
2026 | 17 Feb | Tue | Chinese New Year |
2027 | 6 Feb | Sat | Chinese New Year |
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates. |
Indonesia is a nation with a reputation for diversity. While the majority of the Indonesian population is consisted of non-Chinese Muslims, Chinese New Year is a significant event in Indonesia.
Prior to the Chinese New Year celebrations, many markets near large Chinese communities in Indonesia will open. These markets often sell fireworks, clothing, toys, and gifts. It is a common practice for Chinese people to give their friends and family members gifts during the Chinese New Year celebrations.
One of the most popular Chinese New Year traditions is the gifting of red envelopes. In most situations, these red envelopes are gifted to children from elderly people. It is also common for married couples to give red envelopes to unmarried members of their family. These red envelopes often contain money. The amount of money in an envelope is often a number that denotes good luck.
On Chinese New Year eve, every member of a Chinese family will reunite with each other in a central location. Once every family member is a present, a large meal will be enjoyed. A combination of traditional Chinese food and local Indonesian food are often enjoyed by people celebrating the Chinese New Year in Indonesia.
Previous Years
Year | Date | Day | Holiday |
2025 | 28 Jan | Tue | Chinese New Year Holiday |
29 Jan | Wed | Chinese New Year | |
2024 | 9 Feb | Fri | Chinese New Year Holiday |
10 Feb | Sat | Chinese New Year |